Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Week 6, Thing #14 Technorati

I was not having much luck finding posts about Classroom Learning 2.0 on Technorati. When I searched for "library" in blog posts, I found 2791 blogs relating to "library" out of 853799 blogs. One blog that caught my eye because of its name was http://theunquietlibrarian.wordpress.com/
The blog is written by Buffy Hamilton, a high school media specialist/ teacher librarian. On her website she has a tags cloud and a category cloud. It is very easy to go to posts about the different subjects that she tagged. I also noticed that you can subscribe to RSS feeds about the posts. You have the choice of a feed about the posts and of a feed about the comments. There is even a link to her wiki page from her blog. It is really amazing what we can do now with technology. The thought occurred to me that as library students we can learn a lot about what it is like on the job for a librarian by reading librarians' blogs.

As I was looking around Technorati, I decided to search on my name "Cyndy". Since I spell my name with a y instead of an i, I do not often see the name spelled this way. Well, I found 4 blogs from my search on "Cyndy". An interesting blog I found was http://cyndycarstens.blogspot.com Cyndy Carstens is an artist who posts some of her drawings and paintings on her blog. It was interesting reading about what inspired her with her paintings and drawings. Using tags I was able to click on the tag "ocean landscape" and see the 3 paintings she had with that tag.

By looking at different people's blogs, I can see the different possibilities for blogs. While I still feel like I am just wandering around Technorati looking at the different categories in the blog directory or trying searches on different subjects, I did have fun finding interesting blogs.

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